I love this picture! It makes me laugh! I love my family. I have the best family in the world. I am so thankful that my parents had 6 kids. I love coming from a big family and wish I had lots more kids. This picture is just one of the reasons I love having a big family. It's just FUN!!! When my sister, Marci, comes to town, we call it Marcifest because our family has our own festival. We shop, go out to eat, Jazzercise in mom and dad's room, laugh, cry, laser hair off :) , etc! It's just great fun! Marci is a Jazzercise instructor and when she's in town, we "Jazzer" a lot! This is a picture taken when we were Jazzercising in mom and dad's room. I am laughing hysterically and I have no idea why but usually when Marci's in town, I'm laughing. Hannah, Molly, and Macy are laughing, too. Shanny's boogie'ing (how do you spell that??!!!) down behind May and Mom looks like she is giving instructions. :) Anyway, I happened to run across this picture today and it made me thankful.