Today's been a lazy day...well, sort of. I've been doing laundry all afternoon. I just went in to hang up the clothes in the dryer and switch the clothes over from the washer and I realized that I forgot to put bleach in load I just did. You see, I read an article last year that said to always wash underwear together and with bleach. It said that there is an average 1/8 of a gram (or something along those lines) of fecal matter in underwear!! :s I knew from that point on, I would NEVER wash underwear with other clothes and without bleach. I was totally disgusted and since then have always washed the underwear with bleach but every now and then, I'll today. So, the underwear load is going through it's second wash cycle and this time with bleach! :)

This is one of Rosie's doll's hats that Mar puts on his eyes, nose, and gives Rosie a big laugh...I have to admit, it does me, too! :)

Here he is (on another day) with them on his ears. :)


It is very rainy and windy outside much so that Charlie Bear doesn't want to go outside which is very out of character for him. He went outside this morning for a little while but hasn't been out since. I know he needs to go to the bathroom so I tried to let him out a little while ago but he didn't want to go so he's here by my side. I sure do love that dog! :)
I did not go to Zumba or Power Pump this morning. I did Zumba yesterday and will go again tomorrow. I think I'm just going to do Power Pump twice a week. I'm always sore, otherwise.
Mar came home for lunch a little early and we went through the drive-thru of Chick-fil-A! :) Love that place!!! Macy came home early from school today. She had study hall last and called and asked if she could come home. She had lunch with Nana today. Here's the lastest on my life in pictures.

Pug's scrimage game was at War Memorial last week. The Bruins played great! They always do! Here's a picture of Shanny and Phil at the game. We all (mom, dad, me, Mar, Shanny, Phil) went to eat at Brownings afterwards. It was really fun! I love my family so much!
I did not go to Zumba or Power Pump this morning. I did Zumba yesterday and will go again tomorrow. I think I'm just going to do Power Pump twice a week. I'm always sore, otherwise.
Mar came home for lunch a little early and we went through the drive-thru of Chick-fil-A! :) Love that place!!! Macy came home early from school today. She had study hall last and called and asked if she could come home. She had lunch with Nana today. Here's the lastest on my life in pictures.

Pug's scrimage game was at War Memorial last week. The Bruins played great! They always do! Here's a picture of Shanny and Phil at the game. We all (mom, dad, me, Mar, Shanny, Phil) went to eat at Brownings afterwards. It was really fun! I love my family so much!

Hannah and I took Rosebud to the mall last week and I introduced her to Crocs. I knew she'd love them because Mar has some (I do, too, but only wear them when working at Mar's office) and I knew she'd be able to put them on all by herself. I pulled down some hot pink ones from the shelf (she LOVES pink) and she tried them on and loved them. Being that my job is to spoil the little princess, I bought them for her, and she wore them immediately. I didn't even take them off for the lady to ring them up. :) Here she is with Mar and their Crocs. :)

She's so proud of her shoes! :) She sat here with Mar for at least 30 minutes talking to him about her Crocs, comparing hers to his, and putting them on and taking them off her feet. So cute!

I love these two!!! Can ya tell? :) Rosie always says to me and Mar, "Come on....let's go to my room" and of course, we follow her in there and play with her. Here she is with Mar playing in her room.

I love these two!!! Can ya tell? :) Rosie always says to me and Mar, "Come on....let's go to my room" and of course, we follow her in there and play with her. Here she is with Mar playing in her room.

This is one of Rosie's doll's hats that Mar puts on his eyes, nose, and gives Rosie a big laugh...I have to admit, it does me, too! :)

Here he is (on another day) with them on his ears. :)


The things you do for love! Rosie wanted Mar to paint his toenails, too. After a little coexercing from me, he let me paint his toenails. Rosie was so happy...we all had our toenails painted.

Mar took his toenail polish off right before we left. Rosie didn't notice. :)
Speaking of Mar, he just called and is headed home.
Speaking of Mar, he just called and is headed home.
More later!