I've gone too long without blogging, as usual, and now have way too much to catch up on. I realized I'm one day late on my Beth Moore scripture challenge and needed to post it......so, here's my verse for the next 2 weeks and believe me, it's a good one...and probably applies to me more than most verses considering I say whatever comes to mind...or at least I do with my husband and most family members. I need to write this verse on my heart and soul more than any other verse.
Proverbs 21:23 (New Living Translation)
23 Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut, and you will stay out of trouble.
23 Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut, and you will stay out of trouble.
My week in pictures

Sunshine wanted me to straighten her hair so I did and she LOVED it! She danced and pranced all around and kept saying, "Look how long my hair is!".

One of the Valentine's Rosie gave me. I gave her the dress she is wearing and the little people that she is holding up. She is so precious to me!!!

Happy Heart's Day! This was actually for my Bunco group a couple of days before Valentine's Day.

Horrible picture of me but that's okay...it's reality...we celebrated Valentine's Day yesterday (long story). Mar grilled out the best steaks I've ever tasted!! We ate by candlelight (but only for a few minutes because I couldn't see well enough to get the fat off my steak and accidentally ate a bite of pure fat...ugh!) and we ate with Macy. :) It was fun and good...we had green bean casserole, Sister Schubert rolls, Hungry Jack potatoes (they're my favorite), and those yummy butterflied steaks!

I got Mar a camera for his office. It's just like mine, which I love.

Mar went all out. He started writing me notes on Monday and continued until Saturday. I'll share about that on another post when I have more time. Oh, and I just accidentally deleted my Heather signature underneath here and got it right back by pressing ctrl and z at the same time....a little trick my daugher taught me that has saved me MANY times! If you ever delete anything and feel panicked, just press control z and you'll have your info right back!!! :) Gotta run!