So, I was planning on going to zumba at 4:15 today but decided not to because I have to pick up Lamar at 5:00 from work (zumba doesn't get out until 5:15) and I need to vacuum my floors. Charlie Bear brings in a lot of leaves on his fur when he comes in. I have taught him how to shake his body before he comes in so that eliminates some of the leaves but it's still a problem. Instead of going to zumba, I ate some donettes (Rosie's favorite!). I've got Bunco tonight! :) I always love Bunco! Mar is going to babysit Rosie at our house and they are going to make Honey Bun cake....Rosie loves baking that cake with Mar. Macy leaves tomorrow for Africa. She'll be gone for 19 days! She is SO excited! She went and picked me up an Africa necklace that I'm going to wear while she's gone. Every time I put it on, I'm going to pray for her and her group. I'm sure I won't need a reminder to pray for them, daughter is going to be in AFRICA....I'll be praying, need for reminders. I love the necklace, though. I'll be sure and post a picture when I have it on. I'm taking her to the airport at 9:00 am....their plane doesn't leave until noon but they have 25 people so they want to get there very early. Anyway, if you happen to read this, please say a prayer for Macy and the group going with her to Africa.


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Leslie said…
praying safe travels for Macy. I can't imagine! What a dream come true that would be for me.
Hope things are going well for you!
Lauren said…
I'll be praying :)
Hope she has a great trip! How exciting for her!!