Whoa, this has been one busy week! I worked for Lamar all week. It has been almost 2 years since I've worked with him. I really enjoy working with him, especially if I'm assisting him and don't have to work at the front (dealing with patient's questions about insurance and bills :s). I tell ya, though, I had no energy at the end of the day. I asked Sabrina how she had any energy at the end of the day to do anything and she said, "You just can't sit down!". HA! :) I tried that the next day and it actually worked!!! :)
Me and sweet Sunshine doing the butterfly in the dance room. :) I taught dancing for 2 years to 3 year olds back in the day. It was so much fun. This brought me back to those days.
Precious Princess after I painted her nails.
I sure do love this guy...he's by my feet as I type this. :)

We all went to Roxie's house to watch Molly get her wedding pictures made. It was so neat and so much fun. Macy even came home from Ouachita to be a part of it.
We all went to Roxie's house to watch Molly get her wedding pictures made. It was so neat and so much fun. Macy even came home from Ouachita to be a part of it.
HA!!! This picture made me laugh!! This was Rosie's art work in her Sunday school class. It was the story of Jacob and Esau. They glued "hair" on this little man and the top of the paper says, "God wants us to be honest". Cute!!! Rosie knew the WHOLE story, too. She even knew Esau had red hair. : ) She said Jacob went on a hunt. Later when she was telling me about his hunt, she said it was an Easter egg hunt. HA! :) Kids are just so cute!!! Rosie wouldn't be in the picture so May held it up for her.
The weather was GORGEOUS a couple of weeks ago!!! I took the convertible and the dog and we went on a ride....I refused to go inside. It just seems wrong to be inside when it's amazing out. I love seeing pictures of Charlie Bear in the car......they always make me laugh.
And here he is enjoying the ride.
This is embarrasing but oh well. I dusted the other night (which is obviously rare) and this is what I saw. :) I do have to say that when Lamar and Asa dry walled the exercise room upstairs, there was a layer of dust on everything downstairs. We'd dust and the next day, there'd be another layer. So, that's my excuse and I'm stickin to it (just like the dust on my furniture)! :)
I had Bunco at my house on Thursday. It was supposed to be at my sweet friend's house but she was sick all week so I volunteered my house. She still cooked and brought the prizes. I love Bunco and will do anything to not have cancelled, even if it means having to have it at my house (which means dusting)! :)
Madie got on homecoming!!! WOO-HOO!!! She deserves it!! She is not only beautiful but she is SUPER sweet, giving, kind, and most importantly, she loves the Lord!! How's that for a homecoming maid?!!!!

And here's the fam that came to see her. Macy came, too! I just love it that there are all these reasons for May May to come down and I'm SUPER thankful that she's only 1 hour away! She did have to leave after half time at the football game, though, because it was also Homecoming and Tiger Tunes at Ouachita.
And here's the fam that came to see her. Macy came, too! I just love it that there are all these reasons for May May to come down and I'm SUPER thankful that she's only 1 hour away! She did have to leave after half time at the football game, though, because it was also Homecoming and Tiger Tunes at Ouachita.
Beautiful Madie!
Mar rode up to Fayetteville for the Razorback game this weekend with the guys. He left at 6:00 am so I was still sleeping. When I woke up and went about my morning routine, I kept finding sweet little notes all over the house. Mar knows me so well. He knew exactly what I'd be doing and put little notes where I'd see them. It was so sweet. I am so thankful for a husband who loves me. Speaking of loving husbands, we're going to a Marriage Oneness taping tonight that our preacher is doing for Family Life. I think it will be GREAT!!! The tapes will go nation wide so I think it's a neat thing. They will be filming all week. And on that note, I better boogie!!!