
I am finally on my last post to get caught up on this blog. YAY! I don't like getting behind but it seems I always am.  Actually, now that I think about it, I don't think this catches me up. I still have to write about taking Macy to see the play Wicked.  Oh well, I'm almost caught up!
Macy and I at one of the PA games.
My mouth was still numb from having my lower veneers done earlier in the day and every time I took a drink of Coke, it would spill down my chin onto my shirt.  LOL! :) It was pretty entertaining for Macy to watch.  You can see the Coke all over my shirt.
Macy got a hamster and at first she named her Fish but I talked her into changing her name to Polly.  She's way too cute to be named Fish and she just looks like a Polly. :) 
Look how cute Polly is! She doesn't bite, either.  She's a sweet hamster. :)   Macy carried her around in her sleeve.
I do not even know if I can express to you in words how happy I am that Chick-fil-A has the Peppermint Chocolate Chip shake back!!! I got one a couple of days early, too!!! They let me have one in the mall.  I was SOOOOO excited!!!!  They're only out for a couple of months every year so I have to take advantage of them while I can. :) 
And, I introduced my little Sunshine to the shake, too! She loved it! 
