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Nashville Trip

Once again, it has been SO long since I have done a blog post. I think with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other social media, I get overwhelmed. I haven't posted a Facebook album in so long, though, so I really wanted to start blogging again to be able to remember! This might be my last post for 2 years again, though! LOL! We will see. We took a business trip last weekend to Nashville (first time to ever go to Nashville) and it was so fun because on this business trip, Macy and Kevin got to come with us! I haven't written on here yet about it, but Kevin is now working for the same company Lamar works for and we are just THRILLED about it!!!  Our weekend trip actually started on a Thursday. The morning started with my first visit to the ER ever but more about that in another post. I was okay and am so so thankful for my precious dad who took me there and we got to bypass the waiting room. I have continued to be blessed by my Dad and his love for the Lord and oth

He is Risen INDEED!!!

Happy Easter!!! Ahhhh...I'm just SO SO thankful that Christ ROSE and we are free!!! WOOHOOOO!!! I alway love the Easter service at church at this was no exception. The worship is always my favorite and every year I wish I would have gone to both services. This year our church had the Arkansas Symphony up there with them and the music was just so beautiful! All the songs were such wonderful songs about Christ rising again. And there was a huge wooden cross on the stage that was so beautiful. I, of course, had to take a picture but the picture doesn't quite do it justice. It was just so beautiful.    Brandon preached the sermon and it was so good, too. After the sermon, we sung an old hymn that I love.....Because He Lives. Easter was even more special today because Kevin and Macy were with us. This was their one year dating anniversary and they have now been married 15 days! This weekend was their first time here since they have been married. We got to see them last weekend,

My girl is MARRIED!!!

Oh, it's been so long since I've posted! I always say I'm going to start blogging again so I can remember things and then I never do. I get overwhelmed because I get so behind. It's like when I used to scrapbook, I would get behind and then just not do it. That's how I am about blogging but I just don't seem to remember things as well if I don't write them down and I love to have a record of life with pictures. But, I just HAD to write about Macy's wedding! I am just so happy about it!! I feel so overwhelmed with God's love for me and His goodness!!! Macy has always been such an example to me of God's grace and this is no exception. I always say, "How can Macy be MY child?" because she's just so NOT me. She is so much better! She loves mission trips, she is so laid back, and she has definitely not struggled in the same areas that I have struggled with. I've prayed for so long for specifics for Macy's future husband. The mai

Dresser Redo

I've been so bad at blogging in the past few years. I blog so I can remember. I painted a set of chest of drawers a few years ago in our other house and I loved the result. The only problem is I didn't blog about it so I have no record of what I did to it. I have no idea what red paint color I used. I thought I had it written on FB but I have searched and searched and I can't find anywhere where I wrote the paint color so now I have this wonderful red chest of drawers and have no idea what the color is. I didn't want that to happen again so I am making sure that I write about the chest of drawers in our master bedroom that I recently painted.  Here is the piece of furniture before Sorry about me in my robe in the mirror. LOL! I really wanted to lighten this up so I decided I would paint it white. I LOVE white and thought it would be great SO I used this chalk paint that I got at Michael's. I had already used it on my coffee table and thought it would be f