Oh, it's been so long since I've posted! I always say I'm going to start blogging again so I can remember things and then I never do. I get overwhelmed because I get so behind. It's like when I used to scrapbook, I would get behind and then just not do it. That's how I am about blogging but I just don't seem to remember things as well if I don't write them down and I love to have a record of life with pictures. But, I just HAD to write about Macy's wedding! I am just so happy about it!! I feel so overwhelmed with God's love for me and His goodness!!! Macy has always been such an example to me of God's grace and this is no exception. I always say, "How can Macy be MY child?" because she's just so NOT me. She is so much better! She loves mission trips, she is so laid back, and she has definitely not struggled in the same areas that I have struggled with. I've prayed for so long for specifics for Macy's future husband. The main thing I prayed for (other than the obvious which is that he loves the Lord AND has a strong relationship with Him) is that God would give Macy a man who loved and adored her and that her problems in life would not be in her marriage (I'm still praying for that one...not because Macy and Kevin are having problems but we live in a fallen world and Satan is after marriages and HELLLOOO...we have to PRAY and fight for our marriages)! I prayed for so many other specifics that I really didn't think would happen because in today's world I just didn't think that Macy finding a man like Kevin would be possible...BUT GOD!! Seriously! I have been in awe of what God has done. Not only has he answered every single one of my specific prayers for Macy but He has gone above and beyond and done SO much more! SO much more!!! Ephesians 3:20 comes to mind for sure..."Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." YES, YES, a million times YES!!! Every time I think about it for very long, I just cry from the overwhelming love I feel from the Lord. It's like I just can't believe it. But I sure should because God loves us so much and He wants to give His children the things they ask for if it is in His will. He doesn't always give us exactly what we ask for but wow, in this case, He sure did and I am overwhelmed with gratitude! I told Lamar that I can die now! HA! I don't know how to sum up the year of Macy and Kevin's relationship in one post or the kind of man Kevin is but I'll just say this....I have never in my life seen a man who is as servant hearted as Kevin and not just towards Macy but to everyone. My dad and Lamar are VERY servant hearted.....and Kevin is right up there with them if not even more so. One of the things Macy told me one day after she started liking Kevin is that there were ice on all the cars in the parking lot at their school and when she came to her car, all the ice was scraped off her windshield. BUT, when she looked around, ALL the cars had the ice scraped from their windshield and it was Kevin who did it. One day, I ran out of mayonnaise and Kevin heard me tell Lamar that we forgot to get mayonnaise at the store. Well, the next morning, I woke up and had mayonnaise sitting on the counter. It was Kevin. Macy never came back from a weekend trip in Little Rock without a gift and letter waiting on her from Kevin. On the first day of the school year this year, Kevin had a gift waiting on Macy before she headed off to school but he also had gifts for both her roommates, who are also teachers. One day I told Macy and Kevin to be careful not to step in dog poo when they were outside in the backyard throwing the softball to each other. A few minutes late, I look outside and Kevin is picking up the dog poo! I mean how can a mom not be so thankful for a man like that for her daughter?! Also, he is constantly looking at men who love Jesus and asking them for advice. He is always asking Poppy what the latest book is that he is reading and then he goes and buys it and reads it, too. When God moved Macy to Oklahoma City, we all knew it was Him working. I mean she never even applied to be a teacher in OKC and it never even entered her mind to move there. I don't even know if she had been there before. We didn't know exactly what He was up to when He moved Macy there but there was this 3rd grade teacher at the school where God moved her who was single and loved Him and now look....these two are MARRIED!!! I'm crying again. I'm just so so thankful!!

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Mitchell
Much more to come!!!