I'm posting my pictures first...they were supposed to be at the end of the post but I don't feel like moving them all the way down.

Is this not so sweet?! Look at that arm around Mar's neck. Rosie's watching an American Tail with Mar and Justin.

The damage to May's car.

May and Asa (blurry new camera pic.) :( I also don't like that the date imprint isn't at the bottom of the picture when the picture is vertical. My old HP camera did this. The newer HP camera's don't.

Just a few of the kids at Asa's going away party.
Let's see, in the last few days....
*we lost our electricity
*it rained nonstop
*Charlie Bear had an accident in the guest room and stunk up the whole house (he never has accidents but because it was raining so hard and the wind was blowing so strong, he just wouldn't go outside long enough to go).
*Macy had a wreck (she's okay)
Life has been interesting the last few days. Our electricity went out at 4:00 am on Wed. morning and just came back on this evening. Wow! Actually, Wednesday night was great. Macy spent the night with a friend because she needs light to do homework. :) Mar and I stayed home and lit a million candles in our room. It was so pretty and romantic. I took pictures but my camera is at my house (we've been staying at mom and dad's). It was cool outside so we slept with the windows open. However, as the days have passed, it hasn't been quite as fun. I'm so glad it's finally back on. Fortunately, mom and dad didn't lose electricity and we have been able to stay here the last couple of nights. Yesterday morning, I got a phone call from Macy...she was upset. She was on her way to school and had a wreck. Of course, it was raining. Fortunately, she didn't get hurt. Her view was blocked by a bus and she didn't see a car coming and pulled out in front of it. Mar and I just came home from Kobe and noticed that her bumper is still on the side of the road. Whose job is that to pick up what's left over from car wrecks? Surely, we weren't supposed to do it, were we? Anyway, USAA is just the best insurance ever! They have always been great! Macy's car will probably be the shop for 2 weeks. I was just telling a lady at zumba on Wednesday that life really changes when your child turns 16. Before Macy was 16, I took her everywhere so I knew all her friends and saw her a lot more. When she turned 16, I didn't pick her friends up anymore or take her places and now she has some friends that I don't even know. It's kind of sad. Of course, she has a million friends so I don't know if it's possible for me to know ALL of them. I know her closest friends. Anyway, now it's back to taxi driving! :) Actually, though, her friends have been taking her everywhere. One of her closest friends, Asa, left today for Bible school. He won't be back until Christmas. Hannah and I stopped by his going away party last night. He comes from a great family of 12!!! His parents have 10 kids and this is where Macy spends most of her time. This thrills me because now she wants lots of kids, which means lots of grandkids for me!!! :) Mar and I had a date tonight. It was absolutely gorgeous outside. The sun finally came out today around 4:30 pm. It's been a beautiful evening. The temperature is in the 60's! Anyway, we wanted to take the convertible out in the beautiful weather so we went to Mardel's and then to Kobe (love that place)! Now, Mar's listening to PA play football on the radio. Tomorrow, we're headed to Cannon's football game in the morning. They're playing LRCA. Should be a fun game...and the temperature is going to be in the 70's!!! :) Tomorrow night, we're headed to the ULM/HOG game. I am a little torn on who to cheer for because I graduated from ULM and they are the underdogs. I guess it's a win/win situation for me. Either way, I'm happy! LSU's game is cancelled tomorrow so I won't have to listen to 3 football games in one day, although I have to admit, I kind of like all this football, especially when the weather in wonderful! Rosie and I danced together today. I turned the music on my phone on and we danced and danced. She's SO cute!!! We also played Small One. Small One is my favorite little cartoon of all time and Rosie has watched it lots with me. Today, out of the blue, she starts calling me, "Small One" (a donkey). So, I started calling her Little Boy (Small One's owner and best friend). We played this for awhile. I can't believe a 2 year old can play like that! I thought playing house started a lot later but Rosie is advanced (I'm not biased at all) for her age. They (mom, dad, Rosie Love, Justin, and Hannah) are gone to TN. and MS. for the weekend for my cousin's wedding. I am used to seeing Rosie every day. I'll miss her!!! I told her she would get to see a girl wearing a beautiful dress and she got so excited. She is the most girly toddler I've ever seen! She also asked if there were going to be cheerleaders at the wedding! :) Next Friday, she's coming to the PA game with us and I'm getting her a Bruin cheerleading outfit to wear. She's so excited. She put on the cutest little skirt today that Sabrina gave her and said it was her cheerleading skirt. :) This is getting long but I have one more thing to write...Hannah and I are leading a small group this year from Fellowship. We were supposed to lead 7th grade girls but ended up with 11th and 12th grade girls. I think it will be neat. I trust God. I have always loved teenagers so much. So, here are some pictures that I have on my small camera here at mom's. By the way, I am having little luck finding a camera I like. I have one I love for major events but it won't fit in my purse. I always keep a small camera in my purse. I loved the Sony Cybershot but it didn't have date imprint and I HAVE to have date imprint. I will have no idea 10 years from now what year any picture was taken so having the date on the pictures is extremely important to me. I also like being able to force a flash. I ended up with the Casio Exilim and while it's got the 2 things I wanted, there is red eye in almost all the pictures and some of the pictures are blurry. I miss my old camera! I think I'm going to just sell my Casio on ebay and buy my old HP. It's my very favorite!

Is this not so sweet?! Look at that arm around Mar's neck. Rosie's watching an American Tail with Mar and Justin.

The damage to May's car.

May and Asa (blurry new camera pic.) :( I also don't like that the date imprint isn't at the bottom of the picture when the picture is vertical. My old HP camera did this. The newer HP camera's don't.

Just a few of the kids at Asa's going away party.
Let's see, in the last few days....
*we lost our electricity
*it rained nonstop
*Charlie Bear had an accident in the guest room and stunk up the whole house (he never has accidents but because it was raining so hard and the wind was blowing so strong, he just wouldn't go outside long enough to go).
*Macy had a wreck (she's okay)
Life has been interesting the last few days. Our electricity went out at 4:00 am on Wed. morning and just came back on this evening. Wow! Actually, Wednesday night was great. Macy spent the night with a friend because she needs light to do homework. :) Mar and I stayed home and lit a million candles in our room. It was so pretty and romantic. I took pictures but my camera is at my house (we've been staying at mom and dad's). It was cool outside so we slept with the windows open. However, as the days have passed, it hasn't been quite as fun. I'm so glad it's finally back on. Fortunately, mom and dad didn't lose electricity and we have been able to stay here the last couple of nights. Yesterday morning, I got a phone call from Macy...she was upset. She was on her way to school and had a wreck. Of course, it was raining. Fortunately, she didn't get hurt. Her view was blocked by a bus and she didn't see a car coming and pulled out in front of it. Mar and I just came home from Kobe and noticed that her bumper is still on the side of the road. Whose job is that to pick up what's left over from car wrecks? Surely, we weren't supposed to do it, were we? Anyway, USAA is just the best insurance ever! They have always been great! Macy's car will probably be the shop for 2 weeks. I was just telling a lady at zumba on Wednesday that life really changes when your child turns 16. Before Macy was 16, I took her everywhere so I knew all her friends and saw her a lot more. When she turned 16, I didn't pick her friends up anymore or take her places and now she has some friends that I don't even know. It's kind of sad. Of course, she has a million friends so I don't know if it's possible for me to know ALL of them. I know her closest friends. Anyway, now it's back to taxi driving! :) Actually, though, her friends have been taking her everywhere. One of her closest friends, Asa, left today for Bible school. He won't be back until Christmas. Hannah and I stopped by his going away party last night. He comes from a great family of 12!!! His parents have 10 kids and this is where Macy spends most of her time. This thrills me because now she wants lots of kids, which means lots of grandkids for me!!! :) Mar and I had a date tonight. It was absolutely gorgeous outside. The sun finally came out today around 4:30 pm. It's been a beautiful evening. The temperature is in the 60's! Anyway, we wanted to take the convertible out in the beautiful weather so we went to Mardel's and then to Kobe (love that place)! Now, Mar's listening to PA play football on the radio. Tomorrow, we're headed to Cannon's football game in the morning. They're playing LRCA. Should be a fun game...and the temperature is going to be in the 70's!!! :) Tomorrow night, we're headed to the ULM/HOG game. I am a little torn on who to cheer for because I graduated from ULM and they are the underdogs. I guess it's a win/win situation for me. Either way, I'm happy! LSU's game is cancelled tomorrow so I won't have to listen to 3 football games in one day, although I have to admit, I kind of like all this football, especially when the weather in wonderful! Rosie and I danced together today. I turned the music on my phone on and we danced and danced. She's SO cute!!! We also played Small One. Small One is my favorite little cartoon of all time and Rosie has watched it lots with me. Today, out of the blue, she starts calling me, "Small One" (a donkey). So, I started calling her Little Boy (Small One's owner and best friend). We played this for awhile. I can't believe a 2 year old can play like that! I thought playing house started a lot later but Rosie is advanced (I'm not biased at all) for her age. They (mom, dad, Rosie Love, Justin, and Hannah) are gone to TN. and MS. for the weekend for my cousin's wedding. I am used to seeing Rosie every day. I'll miss her!!! I told her she would get to see a girl wearing a beautiful dress and she got so excited. She is the most girly toddler I've ever seen! She also asked if there were going to be cheerleaders at the wedding! :) Next Friday, she's coming to the PA game with us and I'm getting her a Bruin cheerleading outfit to wear. She's so excited. She put on the cutest little skirt today that Sabrina gave her and said it was her cheerleading skirt. :) This is getting long but I have one more thing to write...Hannah and I are leading a small group this year from Fellowship. We were supposed to lead 7th grade girls but ended up with 11th and 12th grade girls. I think it will be neat. I trust God. I have always loved teenagers so much. So, here are some pictures that I have on my small camera here at mom's. By the way, I am having little luck finding a camera I like. I have one I love for major events but it won't fit in my purse. I always keep a small camera in my purse. I loved the Sony Cybershot but it didn't have date imprint and I HAVE to have date imprint. I will have no idea 10 years from now what year any picture was taken so having the date on the pictures is extremely important to me. I also like being able to force a flash. I ended up with the Casio Exilim and while it's got the 2 things I wanted, there is red eye in almost all the pictures and some of the pictures are blurry. I miss my old camera! I think I'm going to just sell my Casio on ebay and buy my old HP. It's my very favorite!