First things first...have any of you ever tried this chocolate bar??? Oh my gosh, it's the best thing you will ever eat!!! They have them at Target. Whenever I am there, I load up! The only thing is that if you eat the whole thing there are 39 grams of fat, 63 carbs, and 600 calories...yep, I told ya it was good!!!

Marci came to visit from Nebraska!!!! She was dying to see mom so she flew down for the weekend! It was great! Here we are at Shag's...my cousin, Emily, cut Marci's hair.

Macy used my old Fake Bake and turned blue/green...she looks brown in this picture but trust me when I tell ya, she was blue!!! :) Fortunately, she raced to the bathroom and scrubbed it off before it set!

Marci loves to cook! Shanny and I don't so much but Marci loves it. She decided to make us this yummy chicken filo wrap (I cannot remember the real name) on Saturday. She said it would be ready around noon. Well, since Marci has ADD and is easily distracted, we ended up eating at 10:30 pm!!! HAAAA!!! Here is everybody helping Marci around 7:30 pm.

Here we (me and my brother and sisters) are driving to go take pictures of Macy and Pug before the Winter Formal. Sheldon has a zit that he is covering up with his finger. He was a little self conscience about it because he walked in the room and Marci says, "Sheldon, did you break your nose!!!" HA!!! He messed with a tiny little pimple and turned it into a mountain!!! ! :)

Winter Formal...Macy's last one. :(

So much fun being with my sibs!

This is the verse I'm memorizing for the next 2 weeks for Beth Moore's memory verse challenge. I love this verse. I cut it this off the top of my calendar sheet last year and have it by my computer. This artist is Cary Collins.....if you want to check out her website, go here...she has really cute things.
hanx for letting me know about this blog ;o)
Loved the picys
Hahaha you guys are so much fun