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I was just looking all over for my fall wreath and couldn't find it anywhere.  Mar went and looked for it, too.  Well, guess where I found it?  
Yep, the front door!! :) I wonder if it's been there since last fall? Surely, I put my Christmas wreath up last Christmas but maybe not.  Why would I put up a Christmas wreath and then replace it with a fall wreath and where has my mind gone??? The other day I was looking for my phone all over the place and then I found my hand!! I do that quite a bit, too.   

I babysat for this little sweetie this morning:
Braley Grace. 
Isn't she a cutie pie! She is my cousin's daughter and is only 1 1/2 months!! Can you belive how big she is?!! She is way advanced, too.  She smiles a lot and coos already.  She also moves a lot and rolled on her side this morning.  She's got such cute cheeks! She looks just like my uncle Dempsey. I know he loves that!!!

My little sweeties were just over.  
I just adore these two (ages 4 and 3 months)!! 
I got to give Rosy her necklace today. :)  She opened it and immediately said, "Thank you, Hadoo!!!" She was so excited and has such great manners!
She loves it!
This is the box that my necklace came in...isn't it cute?! The blue box that fits inside the white box says, "You have a great eye." :)
My new addiction. I am loving this game! The funny thing is that I had no idea how to play at first. I knew that you made words with your tiles and that was it. I didn't even know that a blank tile was a tile that you could use for whatever letter you wanted.  I traded my blank tile because I got tired of looking at it! But, now I'm getting much better. I know what DW, TW, TL, and DL mean.  I know how to make 2 words (sometimes 3) out of one.  I now know the words "qi, and quo" I don't know what they mean but I know that they are words and I didn't before.  So, not only is this game fun, but I'm getting smarter playing it! :) Mar and I play it together when he's home with me.  We are loving it! :) Speaking of words with friends, I just got a message that it's my move against Macy. I've been waiting on her to move where I could use a TL and TW on "ajar"...J is worth 10 points so I was excited. Well, she just took the air right out of my balloon!! She put a "M" where my "A" was going to go! BUMMER!! OH MY GOODNESS!! I just quit blogging for a second to take my turn and I got 96 points on the word, "JOTS"!! 96 points!!! How in the world???!! Forget..AJAR!!!! Macy's "M" was a blessing in disguise!! WOO-HOO! :)

We ended up not going to the PA game last Thursday and Friday. We didn't go on Thursday because it was thundering so we took a nap instead (nothing quite like a nap in a thunderstorm). On Friday, we were going to go after Mar's meeting, but they were already in the 4th quarter so we just watched the end of it on the Internet at mom and dad's. It was an exciting game! We may go to the 9th grade game tonight but Cannon probably won't play until the end, if he plays....since he's in the 8th grade.
We went to Maxx's game on Sunday.  He is playing for Life Champs.  His team lost by a whole 40 something to nothing.  It was a gorgeous day, though, and a great time with family.  I didn't want to leave because the weather was so nice. 
2 great Max/Maxx's!!
Maxx is named after my dad, who Sabrina has always called Max.  My dad's name is Doug Smith and he's never liked it because it's so common (his dad's name was actually John Smith...try googling that for genealogy...not easy).  My little brother's name was Jason for the first two years of his life but my parents decided to change his name to Dawson because Jason was so common and he wasn't named after anyone in the family.  Now his name is Dawson (after Dawson Trotman) Douglas (after my dad) instead of Jason Christopher (which is the name my parents gave him at 3 days old when he was adopted).  I remember always calling him Jay Jay boy until he was 2 and then my parents were like, "DO NOT call him Jay Jay boy anymore...his name is now Dawson." That last sentence really makes me laugh. They were serious, though...they didn't want to confuse him by us calling him Dawson and Jason interchangeably.  I don't think I ever made the mistake of calling him Jason after they changed his name.  Anyway (got off on a rabbit trail), Dad always said he wished his name was Max Smith instead of Doug Smith, so when Sabrina met him, she started calling him Max and always has.  I think it's so cute they named Maxx (with 2 xx's to be unique) after Dad, whose name is actually Doug. :)
Macy showed up at the game with her friends, Kelsie and Haley. I didn't even know she was in town...that little stinker! She had come home the day before (which I knew) and then went back to OBU for the night and then came back to Little Rock on Sunday again. 

I've been on an ice cream kick lately and I have no idea why. I'm not a big ice cream person...have never really craved it...although I LOVE Maggie Moo's.  Lately, though, I've been on a Ben and Jerry's kick and I eat ice cream every single day!! UGH! I have got to quit buying it. I ate SO much "half baked" yesterday that I felt sick. I haven't been too motivated to walk in the last couple of days but after eating that, I got motivated real quick! I walked outside last night around 10:00 pm...I just walked around my circle with Charlie Bear.  Lamar was outside in the driveway reading, so I felt pretty safe, especially with my pepper spray in my hand! :) I walked a couple of miles and then finished up my walk upstairs on the treadmill while Mar did the bike.  Charlie Bear vegges (how in the world do you spell vegges??I know that's not right...oh well) out on the floor while we's so cute. I took a picture last week.
It's blurry but you get the point. :)
Men and women are so different.  Last night when I was walking on the treadmill, I was listening to Ping's top 100 application and I was listening to songs from 1984.  It made the walk go by so much faster. It was so much fun hearing all those old songs from 7th and 8th grade.  Mar was reading the whole time.  We didn't say anything to each other. I did say, "I LOVE this song" a couple of times but he never heard me because he was so engrossed in his book. After our exercise, he said, "I love it when you're up there exercising with just makes exercising so much better." I told him that we didn't even talk and he laughed and we talked about how different men and women are.  He just wants me next to him, even if I say nothing.  He said he loves me just sitting with him at a football game. I don't have to say a word (I'm reminded of that wordless girl that I wrote about in my last post at the Razorback game...I bet that guy is just in heaven with her!). :)  I, of course, would rather be talking other than just sitting there, which is why the game went by so much faster when Shanny came and sat with me...we talked the whole time! There's just nothing like girlfriends, although I wouldn't trade Mar for the world. :)

Well, I better run...I have 4 people awaiting my reply on words with friends!! :)



Jen said…
Mika and Laila both have that little blue stripe dress from the picture (your cousin's daughter). I love it!

My sister is also addicted to Words with Friends. ha!

You are so right about how different men and women are - I could chat for hours about the subject. There are actually people who specialize in studying the differences in men's and women's brains. Crazy!

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