David and Goliath

Mar and I went to the beach last week and had a GREAT time!!! I definitely want to write about that (actually, I already have but haven't put it on my blog yet) but I just had to write about the neatest thing God did for me before I do anything else today.  I recently finished Beth Moore's Breaking Free Bible study and loved it so much that I wanted to do another Bible study of hers.  I have heard great things about the David Bible study for years so I bought it to start at the beach. I enjoyed getting up every morning and doing the study with the ocean in front of me (one of my FAVORITE things about the beach is doing my quiet times there).  On Saturday morning, though, I had to get the condo ready for us to leave by 10:00 am (I always clean for the cleaners) :) so I decided to do my Bible study in the airport. One of the many reasons I love Beth Moore Bible studies so much is because she asks questions that help me remember things.  On this day, one of the things she asked us to do was look up 1 Samuel 17:5-7 and draw Goliath's armor on him.  I thought this was a fun thing to do and a great way to remember his armor. Lamar and I had a fun conversation about David and Goliath, too, and how cool is was that Goliath had on ALL that armor and David didn't have any armor on at all because he wasn't used to it and just how God can do ANYTHING!!!! Here's my picture.....as you can see, I didn't get the artist gene that the rest of my siblings got....but I'm okay with that. :)

Well, later on that night after we got home, I got on Facebook and just look what I saw on my mom's Facebook page!!!!

 Under the picture was the caption, "Doug and Goliath".  I was like, "NO WAY! That is what I drew earlier!!" I remembered right away that Goliath's helmet was made of bronze and so were his pants and that his coat weighed 125 pounds!! I also knew that the top of his spear weighed 15 pounds and that Goliath was over 9 feet tall.  I mean what are the odds that on the same day I'm drawing Goliath's armor, my dad is having his picture with Goliath with all his armor on?!   That is no coincidence....that, my friends is just a wink from God!! I LOVE it!!! He's so so good and so much fun! My mom and dad went to Branson last weekend and went and saw the play Noah. This is where mom took dad's picture with Goliath.  Here's a clearer picture.

And you know what else is so cool?!!! One of the questions asked the day before in the study was asking about who in life reminds you of David (she was saying that God is tender and strong and David was a man like that)  and you know the answer that I wrote? Well, just look for yourself!  
I wrote, "My Dad and Lamar". It just makes me want to cry how good God is.  He gave me a picture of "my" David and Goliath together right while I'm studying it all.  I sure love how He loves me!!! I just had to share!!! 


Jeanine said…
Stopped by your blog via LPM's blog. Loved this post. What an awesome wink from God. He is so good to us. Thanks for letting me stop by. God bless you and your family on your journey. Your blog is lovely.