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This and That

I've been working on my kitchen for awhile and am getting closer and closer to getting it finished. Here's a sneak peak. 
As you can see, I still have to paint the cabinets on the island and paint the kitchen walls. I think I'm going to actually hire someone to paint the walls.  After tearing down the wallpaper, there are a few spots that need to be fixed and the ceiling needs to be repaired after taking down the old light fixture so I'd rather someone else do that.  After I finish painting the island, I will move on to the desk in the kitchen and the breakfast bar area.  I will be SO glad when it's all finished.  It already feels a million times better!!! Here's a picture before:
I liked my kitchen well enough before even though it was an 80's kitchen.  It just wasn't me at all. I am just not a big oak fan and I don't like burgundy wallpaper very much but even so, my kitchen wasn't too bad before but now my kitchen is so much brighter and it's "me".
A few weeks ago, Trey saw this car in the Promenade parking lot and said, "Do you think that person works in the Apple store?" I think he/she most definitely does. I thought this was the cutest car! :)
Speaking of Apple, I think it's so sad that Steve Jobs died last week.  I didn't know much about him so I watched a documentary on Hulu and it was very interesting. I saw this picture on Facebook the other day and I thought it was neat.

Well, here is Macy and her 5 kitties. They are cute little things.  Reggie was scared of them at first. We didn't even let Charlie Bear see them.
I told Macy she needed to quit going to the animal shelter and she said she would not so I told her I thought God was trying to teach her to listen to her mother ;) because she has been put through the ringer with these kitties.  She was supposed to have them for a few days to bottle feed them but the shelter wouldn't take them back without killing them unless they could eat on their own so she has had them for a few weeks. She is still bottle feeding them but not having to for as many hours.  The kitty in the picture above ended up having a worm that Macy had to take to the vet to get removed. It is one of the grossest things I have ever heard so I won't go into details but she had to pay $80 out of her own pocket for the vet bill and she had to get the kitty antibiotics, too. It turns out, the vet didn't get the worm out and she saw it that night and had to take the kitty back to the vet again the next day to get it removed. I feel so sorry for that kitty. :(  May May is in the process of trying to find them homes. I would actually take one but it wouldn't be safe with Charlie Bear and 2 dogs really is enough for our family.
Hope and I opened our booth at the flea market. I think it looks really cute for a flea market booth. The only reason it looks as good as it does is because Hope is a great decorator and can make anything look good. She also buys cheap furniture and paints/antiques them.  She has made some really cute burlap wreaths, too, that aren't in this picture. She is just really talented. We are also adding walls and a piece of wood to hang chandeliers from and we're doing a burlap banner.  We're not through with it yet. It's a work in progress. :)

Hope and I saw this tiger head at the flea market awhile back.  Hope told me I needed to buy it for Lamar since he loves LSU so much.  At the time, I had chandeliers and a heavy iron skillet for Macy so I didn't want to carry another thing and passed on getting it for him. Later, when we were there, I wished I had gotten it for him and searched all over for it and couldn't find it.  When Lamar and I went again, we both looked for it and couldn't find it. Well, the next day I got a text from Hope and she told me that her and Alex found it and Alex got it for him.  I thought that was so sweet! Lamar loves it! He's doing a "V" with his hand in the lower right hand picture for Victory! LOL! LSU IS the # 1 team right now. Arkansas is doing pretty good, too, at #10. :)

My mom was out of town last Saturday so I subbed for her at church.  Dad and I worked in the 3 year old class.  I was supposed to be working with the 5 year olds so Rosy came with us where she could be in my class.  She ended up coming to the 3 year old class and helping. She was in her element, I tell ya, telling everyone what to do. It was so cute! She is DEFINITELY a first child!! :) She was so sweet to the 3 year olds and told them all the things they would get to do when they were 5. :) She also told them how great they did at coloring. She was really encouraging. My dad is so good with those kids. He asks them fun questions and brings M&M's. When I was growing up, he worked with the kids and would always bring candy and give it to everyone when they got the Bible questions right. I bet he gave candy even when people got the questions wrong, too. :) Whenever I see those milk chocolate footballs, I think of my dad passing them across the room to the kids at church.

And, speaking of's my sweet sunshine doing the "candy dance!" :)  I picked Rosy up from school last week and we headed out to Light Innovations to find a light to replace our foyer light and then we went to USA Drug because it was in the same parking lot as the flea market where Hannah was meeting us. I told Rosy that she could pick out a snack. She was so funny. When she saw all this candy, she did a candy dance. I got a video. She also did a Oreo dance and chocolate dance! HA! :) She got so excited when she saw the powdered donuts!! That's what I ended up getting her....well, that and a few other treats. :)

This is the foyer light I got. I cannot tell you how happy I am to see what I call the Brady Bunch light gone! When we were looking at our house, the first thing I said is, "That light will be the first thing to go." Well, 4 1/2 years later, the Brady Bunch light was still there. Now, it's GONE!! Here's a better picture of the light. It's kind of hard to see in this pix.
I love the antiqued cream. 

My little Munch LOVES popcorn!! I have never seen him eat so much of anything before!! He ate and ate and ate and ate!! He just loves it!!! He loves watching football with Mar, too! :)

We've been having a rodent problem in our attic. :( Because of that, Mar has been up there trying to find a dead mouse and because of that, he found some old pink Crocs I thought I gave away so now Reggie has a new play toy!! He loves Crocs and tries to steal Mars all the time. I have never been a big Croc fan. They don't fit my narrow feet very well and let's face it, they're not the cutest shoe in the world.  But, at one point, I did have a light pink pair to wear with my scrubs. I thought I gave them away and have been saying over the last year that I wish I would have kept them where Reggie could have them.  Well, Mar found them last night in the attic and now Reggie can chew on them without getting in trouble. :) Here he is sleeping with one of them. Cute little guy! He makes me laugh every single day on more than one occasion. I just love him!!!
And one last picture. Geaux Tigers! I should have worn my Razorback shirt on this day because we were playing, too, and won in the last quarter.  It was an exciting game. This shirt was clean, though, and I love the LSU colors!! :) Our life has been filled with football lately.  We go to the PA games on Friday nights, watch the Razorback and LSU games on Saturday, and go to Maxx's games on Tuesdays. It's not too bad, though.  I LOVE being outside, my family are always at the games, and the concession has M&M's so football season is actually pretty good! :)

I have been reading Redeeming Love again. This time I'm reading it on the Kindle app and I love it. I never get tired of that book.  It's just my all time favorite fiction book.  The reason I am reading it again now is because our Wednesday night Breaking Free group is now having a book club....well kind of.  We are reading this book and then we will do the James study when it comes out in November.  We are also praying together in pairs after we discuss the book. I love this group so much!! Such wonderful girls who all love the Lord.  Super encouraging to pray together, too.  Well, Mar's wanting to head to bed so I'm outta here!

Good night! :)

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