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Bye Bye St. John! Hello Rainbows! :)

As I write this, I am back home, in my comfy bed looking at my sweet dogs sleeping. Yesterday was such a long day where we were constantly going so I didn't have time to write. Yesterday morning, when we woke up, we got the house ready to leave and by the time we were all ready to go, it was time to drive to Cruz Bay. Mar was worried we wouldn't have enough time so he went on down to the car but I had to take one last picture of our view. Just look! I miss it so much already! 

SO SO beautiful! THANK YOU, Lord, for giving us the beauty of your creation! THANK YOU for letting us experience it and take it all in!!! 

So, we drove to Cruz Bay and on the way, the conditions looked perfect for a rainbow. I had prayed I would see one at the beginning of the trip. I looked the whole drive for a rainbow. I told Lamar that I might not get my rainbow but God loves me anyway, regardless, and I definitely didn't need a rainbow to know that but it would be fun to see one. I kept looking. Then I told Lamar that I REALLY thought God was going to give me a rainbow on this trip, even though it was now sunny, and that somehow someway, I thought I would get my rainbow. I believed it, too! I even said He just might give me one on the plane.  So that was the end of our rainbow conversation and then it left my mind. Anyway, thankfully, my GPS app took us to the car ferry right before they left. Lamar did make a wrong turn, even with the GPS, but it was good because it actually got us there quicker and we were the last car on. :) There was another one coming but it was nice to get to the ferry and not have to wait at all. I took a hydroxine pill for motion sickness. NOTHING works like that stuff and I've tried everything but it makes me grumpy. BUMMER! I don't like anything taking away my happy but I HAVE to take it or I get really nauseated and my happy is gone anyway, so there ya have it.  As we were on the car ferry almost to St. Thomas, I actually did think about the rainbow again then but my thought was that I was too tired to really care if I saw a rainbow now and hoped I didn't see one then because I wouldn't be able to appreciate it. I was almost asleep by the time we got to St. Thomas but had to use the bathroom so we stopped at Subway thinking there would be a bathroom but there wasn't. We asked the security guard where the bathroom was and he pointed us to this tiny beat up looking bathroom that was outside. I was a little nervous to go in there being the germaphobe I am but I went in there and it was super clean! It smelled like bleach and it was spotless in there! YAY! Then, we went and got a Subway and waited for about 45 minutes in line. :) When they say island time, they aren't kidding but we had plenty of time to get to the rental car place so no big deal. When we came back to the car, Lamar studied the map to the car rental place because the GPS didn't pick it up. One thing I have learned about Lamar on this trip (that I kind of already knew but it was set in stone on this trip) is that he is horrible with directions. I mean, he is worse than I am and I am pretty bad. I also learned that when I have to step up to the plate, I can do it! I can even read a map when I absolutely HAVE to! ;) Well, I found a place close to the rental place and put it in the GPS. Lamar kept thinking we were going the wrong way and was so concentrated on that the we literally almost had 2 wrecks. He thought his yield sign was for the other cars and almost hit several cars not yielding. Then, he forgot that you drive on the left side of the road and almost turned into oncoming traffic at the light. I finally told him to just relax and listen to the GPS.  I knew it was right and I also remembered going that way. He finally relaxed a little. By the time we got close to the place, after he almost made a couple of other wrong turns :) I followed the map and got us there! I was pretty happy with my map skills because I am telling you, I have zero! But, when you have to step up, you have to step up! HA! HA! :) 

This was across the street from the Subway. I love how everything is so colorful but I took this picture because of the sign that says "Tsunami evacuation zone." If there were a wide eyed emoticon to put on here, it would go here now. :) 

So, now I'll skip the boring details that I just wrote all about and just say we flew from St. Thomas to Atlanta. We met a nice man on our ride. I slept for the first 3 1/2 hours which I am NEVER able to do but that medication helps tons! When I woke up, we had about 30 minutes left. I talked to the man a little bit and then looked out the window and saw the most gorgeous clouds. They were tall and big. I just was taking in all the clouds and then GUESS WHAT?!! I saw a RAINBOW underneath me! It wasn't real big but it was REAL bright and it didn't last long! I got tears in my eyes! I KNEW God would give me my rainbow! I just KNEW it!!! I gasped and told Lamar, "A RAINBOW! A RAINBOW!!" and he just smiled so big! And then guess what, I saw another one and another one and another one!! I just kept seeing rainbows!! I saw AT LEAST 6...probably more! God kept giving them to me!!! I have tears in my eyes now just thinking about it!! I finally saw one off in a distance that Lamar was able to see, too, so I was happy he got to see one, too!! The man next to me was laughing because I just kept saying, "There's another one!!" Lamar told him that I really wanted to see a rainbow in St. John and the man said he had just seen one the day before. He's from St. Thomas and sees them all the time. I thought it was so cool because God just kept giving me one rainbow after another. I have been flying my whole life and never seen a rainbow. I thought it was neat, too, that God waited until I was alert where I could appreciate the rainbow! He's in EVERY last detail! :) I looked at Lamar and said, "Jesus LOVES me!" Of course, rainbow or no rainbow, I KNOW that Jesus loves me and I will always know it regardless of the good or bad. I trust Him! Isn't He fun?! He gave me a HUGE wink..a wink seems like an understament..I'm going to have to call it a hug! I just love it when things like that happen!!! 
So, we had a 4 hour layover in Atlanta. I LOVE layovers in big airports because it's like being at a mall! :) I love to take everything in. This is one of the first things we saw. :) I sure do love my sweet niece, Savanny! She even spells her name with a "H" at the end so I loved this shop and wished there was a tee to get her. 
We stopped and ate at TGIFridays and it was so good to eat a meal. Our main meals were sandwiches, toast, cereal, etc. We ate at our house mostly because we didn't want to leave. When we did eat out, I didn't eat much so I chowed down here. I got chicken and mashed potatoes. I talked to Macy on the phone most of the time while I was eating. I told her my rainbow story and she said, "Mom, God gave you a rainbow for everyday you were on vacation!" Aww, He sure did!!! I also found out that the Nowlin's were coming at the Atlanta aiport...that night!!! I was super excited because I knew I was going to get to see them..matter of fact, I'm going to get to see them in about an hour!! WOOOHOOO!!! 
After TGIFriday's we went to some cafe with TONS of cheesecake. I saw red velvet and knew we needed to get dessert there so we did. Mar got regular cheesecake.
She brought me cake. Honestly, it wasn't very good but after I had a few bites, I realized she gave me the wrong thing. I ordered a red velvet torte that looked totally different. The cheesecake was in the window like the Cheesecake Factory with slices cut out so I knew this was the wrong one. Oh well. I ate half of it because I didn't want the lady to think I didn't like it. It really wasn't very good at all. Uhhh, I'm such a people pleaser. I just didn't want to hurt her feelings. Wasted calories! Oh well! I did charge my phone while at this cafe and call mom and talk to her about the Nowlin's coming. Speaking of that, I am going to go take a shower and get ready now. I'm ready to see my loves!!! 
Speaking of loves, look at this sweet guy! He's back home! And Charlie is, too! :) 
I wanted to take a quick picture of Charlie Bear sleeping, too. Reg got up and did his morning routine while I was taking it. This is part of it..the Reggie roll. He does the Reggie crawl after that and he moans and yawns a lot. It's hilarious. Sweet sweet Charlie Bear is awake and just chillaxing! I love my old man! He will be 14 in less than a month!!! 

Have a happy day and Lord, let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to you today, oh Lord my ROCK and REDEEMER! mouth! 

Love y'all! Not checking grammar on this post...want to see my kiddos! 


Unknown said…
Can't resist cheesecake! And that view... looks amazing.

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