Playing with Photoshop Elements

I love the blogging world. I have had Photoshop Elements for a couple of years and couldn't figure it out. I did manage to put Macy's nose on me once and mine and hers...that was funny but after that I got too frustrated and removed the software from my computer. Well, I found McMama's photography lessons last night and decided to reinstall and play. I laughed so hard reading her post about blurring backgrounds...I didn't realize how funny she is because I don't read blogs a whole lot. Anyway, while I still don't understand how to close a picture...I did manage to blur a background. I actually like the color better on the first one but was playing with it and couldn't get the color back to the original. :) Anyway, here is the before and after blurred background picture.

See, I have a blurry background!!! I also couldn't figure out how to make the other boot not blurry but I'm sure if I play enough, I can figure it out. :)
I'm SO excited! I'm headed to Branson tomorrow with Macy for a day trip. Marci will be there!!! :) I haven't seen her in WAY too long and she's not coming here this summer so I'm headed there for the day. I'm excited, too, because we're going to shop!! AND, to top it all off, I actually got a Ralph Lauren Outlet coupon in the mail yesterday!! What are the odds that I'd get a coupon and actually be able to use it????!!!! There's no outlet here so even if I did have a coupon, I usually wouldn't be able to use it. Also, I'm excited because Mom, Dad, Shanny, and Abby are there, too. :) I LOVE my family! I also get to see a childhood friend that I haven't seen in years. We reconnected through Facebook and she is super sweet. She is going to be picking up her kids from Kanakuk while Marci is dropping her girls off so we'll all be in the same place at the same time. :)
Okay, so something is wrong with me. No big deal or anything. I think it's my thyroid or maybe I'm having premature ovarian failure....who knows. I do know that I need to head on up to Dad's office and get checked. :s No fun, no fun at all!
Macy leaves in 3 weeks for college. 3 WEEKS!!! I can't believe it! I just can't believe it. I am going to miss her so much. Moving on the next chapter in life. Speaking of May May, we're headed to the pool in a few minutes. I'm trying to spend as much time as possible with her before she leaves. She's bringing a friend with her. I have loved going to the pool this summer. I have close friends who are there and we just talk and talk. Also, my sweet Sunshine comes some and that's always fun. Well, I'm outta here! More later! :)

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Lauren said…
That picture is precious and praying for you!!! :)
Have a fun trip! I have Elements too and have had a hard time figuring it out too. Jesse bought me this book though. It explains things and shows you with pictures how to do it! It helps so much!
Unknown said…
I can't figure it out either...hence why i stick with Picnik :) The photo looks wonderful. Kudos lady for figuring it out!