As I write this, I am back home, in my comfy bed looking at my sweet dogs sleeping. Yesterday was such a long day where we were constantly going so I didn't have time to write. Yesterday morning, when we woke up, we got the house ready to leave and by the time we were all ready to go, it was time to drive to Cruz Bay. Mar was worried we wouldn't have enough time so he went on down to the car but I had to take one last picture of our view. Just look! I miss it so much already! SO SO beautiful! THANK YOU, Lord, for giving us the beauty of your creation! THANK YOU for letting us experience it and take it all in!!! So, we drove to Cruz Bay and on the way, the conditions looked perfect for a rainbow. I had prayed I would see one at the beginning of the trip. I looked the whole drive for a rainbow. I told Lamar that I might not get my rainbow but God loves me anyway, regardless, and I definitely didn't need a rainbow to know that but it would be fun to see one. I ke...
My cup runneth over