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Showing posts from September, 2008

"Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are"

I've been meaning to post this for days but I could never find the cutest picture of Charlie riding in the back of the convertible with all of us, so I'm just going to go ahead and post this puppy! HA! :) No pun intended! :) (And, it's not Tuesday, it's Saturday...I don't know why the post says Tuesday...I'm sure there's a way to fix it but I don't know how). 9-21-99....Happy Birthday Charlie Bear This is the day we got Charlie Bear (we got him in November 1999). We drove to Gena, Louisiana and Charlie Bear was the last golden out of 3 litters (21 dogs). I know God saved him just for us. Charlie Bear's mom and dad were HUGE!!! They were the biggest Golden's I had ever seen. I married Lamar in May 1999 and Macy and I moved to Louisiana right away. It was the beginning of the summer so Macy didn't know anyone. She really needed a friend and loved animals, so I talked Lamar into letting us get a dog and he agreed as long as we kept it outside. H...

Maternity Jeans Rock!!! :)

I have always hated wearing jeans. I mean ALWAYS hated wearing them. When I was little, I never wanted to put them on and as I got older, I still hated them. I love the look of jeans but the bottom line for me is that they have always been extremely uncomfortable. Through the years, I've discovered that the reason they are so uncomfortable is the thick fabric around my waist or hips. I always get pains in my stomach from that. I wore dresses to school until 6th grade and then had a skirt uniform after that. I even got in trouble once because I didn't wear jeans on a field trip (a whole other story). I do wear jeans some but I am never comfortable wearing them. Anyway, all of this to say I was reading this girls' blog (Kelly's Korner) awhile back and she talked about how she always hated wearing jeans, which is just like me, and now that she's pregnant, she has discovered how great maternity jeans are. She had a picture posted with her maternity jeans on and she didn...


I love this picture! It makes me laugh! I love my family. I have the best family in the world. I am so thankful that my parents had 6 kids. I love coming from a big family and wish I had lots more kids. This picture is just one of the reasons I love having a big family. It's just FUN!!! When my sister, Marci, comes to town, we call it Marcifest because our family has our own festival. We shop, go out to eat, Jazzercise in mom and dad's room, laugh, cry, laser hair off :) , etc! It's just great fun! Marci is a Jazzercise instructor and when she's in town, we "Jazzer" a lot! This is a picture taken when we were Jazzercising in mom and dad's room. I am laughing hysterically and I have no idea why but usually when Marci's in town, I'm laughing. Hannah, Molly, and Macy are laughing, too. Shanny's boogie'ing (how do you spell that??!!!) down behind May and Mom looks like she is giving instructions. :) Anyway, I happened to run across this picture...

Go Hogs!!! Go Warhawks!!!

We went to the Razorback game last night with Shanny, Phil, Pug, and Jillian. It was a great day for a game. The weather was beautiful! We played ULM and they were actually ahead most of the game. Since ULM is where I graduated from and went to MFT school, I have a special place in my heart for them. I was actually a little sad when they lost. I couldn't help but be happy for them when they were ahead because they just don't win much. Out of all the games Mar and I went to (and there were a lot), I don't know if I ever saw them win. I have a lot of wonderful memories from that school. Mar, me, Shanny, and Phil. Aren't they cute?! High school sweethearts since 9th grade and still in love. Pug, Jillian, me, and Mar after the game...actually we left a little early so this was during 4th quarter. It was cool outside! Just wonderful football weather! I sure did miss Rosie Love this weekend. It was great to see her again tonight! There's nothing more refreshing than a swe...
I'm posting my pictures first...they were supposed to be at the end of the post but I don't feel like moving them all the way down. Is this not so sweet?! Look at that arm around Mar's neck. Rosie's watching an American Tail with Mar and Justin. The damage to May's car. May and Asa (blurry new camera pic.) :( I also don't like that the date imprint isn't at the bottom of the picture when the picture is vertical. My old HP camera did this. The newer HP camera's don't. Just a few of the kids at Asa's going away party. Let's see, in the last few days.... *we lost our electricity *it rained nonstop *Charlie Bear had an accident in the guest room and stunk up the whole house (he never has accidents but because it was raining so hard and the wind was blowing so strong, he just wouldn't go outside long enough to go). *Macy had a wreck (she's okay) Life has been interesting the last few days. Our electricity went out at 4:00 am on Wed. mornin...
Today's been a lazy day...well, sort of. I've been doing laundry all afternoon. I just went in to hang up the clothes in the dryer and switch the clothes over from the washer and I realized that I forgot to put bleach in load I just did. You see, I read an article last year that said to always wash underwear together and with bleach. It said that there is an average 1/8 of a gram (or something along those lines) of fecal matter in underwear!! :s I knew from that point on, I would NEVER wash underwear with other clothes and without bleach. I was totally disgusted and since then have always washed the underwear with bleach but every now and then, I'll today. So, the underwear load is going through it's second wash cycle and this time with bleach! :) It is very rainy and windy outside much so that Charlie Bear doesn't want to go outside which is very out of character for him. He went outside this morning for a little while but hasn...