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Showing posts from February, 2009
Justin got his acceptance letter to medical school on Friday! We are all so excited! He'll be a great doctor! Hannah and Justin Every time Rosie comes over these days, she always wants me to straighten her hair and I love to do it for her. She loves it! Look at her expression in this picture...especially in the mirror on the far right...her mouth is wide open with excitement! After I straightened her hair, I put it in ponytails and braids to show her different ways we could fix her hair. She said, "This is SO MUCH FUN!!!". I don't think I've ever seen such a girly girl toddler! It's so cute. Last night, when I was straightening her hair, I put on a long white nightgown with ruffles (because I got hot) and she told me how much she loved my nightgown and that she needed to wear it. When I told her I didn't have one in her size, she started crying and said we needed to go to her house to get one of her pretty nightgowns to wear. :) Poor baby girl...she's ...

What's on your wall Wednesday

I have never done this before but think it's such a fun idea! Hopefully, I will link everything right. I got this idea from a blog I follow and she got this idea from Barb at Grits and Glamour ...if you want to participate or see other walls on Wednesday, go on over there and take a peek. I decided to show you what's on my bedroom walls. I read an article a few years ago on making your bedroom all about you and your spouse so I really tried to do that in our are my walls in my bedroom. Here's our bedroom...the sign above the bed says: I have these photo colleges on both sides of the armoire. I made the first one after we had been married 4 years and the second one after we had been married 8 years. I got the iron wall hanging above the fireplace at Ballard Designs. I would have never picked it out (not because I didn't like it but I just wouldn't have thought of it) but my friend was giving me decorating ideas for our house in Monroe and she picked this...
I've gone too long without blogging, as usual, and now have way too much to catch up on. I realized I'm one day late on my Beth Moore scripture challenge and needed to post, here's my verse for the next 2 weeks and believe me, it's a good one...and probably applies to me more than most verses considering I say whatever comes to mind...or at least I do with my husband and most family members. I need to write this verse on my heart and soul more than any other verse. Proverbs 21:23 (New Living Translation) 23 Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut, and you will stay out of trouble. My week in pictures Sunshine wanted me to straighten her hair so I did and she LOVED it! She danced and pranced all around and kept saying, "Look how long my hair is!". One of the Valentine's Rosie gave me. I gave her the dress she is wearing and the little people that she is holding up. She is so precious to me!!! Happy Heart's Day! This was actually...
Mar and I didn't go to church this morning. :( We hate to miss. We woke up about 8:30, talked a little bit, prayed a little bit and then the next thing we know, it's 10:30!!! We must have really needed the sleep. We leave for church at 10:40 so there was no way we were going to make it. It felt wonderful to sleep in, though. We can alway watch the service on the Internet. After Rosie got home from church, we went and picked her up and took her to Wendy's to eat (we all really wanted Franke's but it was 1:45!) and then we headed to Party City where I got plates for Bunco (it's at my house on Thursday) and then we went to Garden Ridge and got a fake plant and a chair (for $99). The chair we were going to get was WAY more than that and a lot prettier but the one at Garden Ridge did the job fine and with no guilt for spending too much money on a beautiful chair. It is SO MUCH FUN to shop with Rosie...SO MUCH FUN!!! I hate to shop without her because she make...

Thankful Thursday

Got this idea from my blog friend, Marlo . It's Thankful Thursday!!! :) Love this idea! I'm VERY thankful for rainbows! Everytime I see a rainbow, I feel like God is just shouting how much he loves creative to give us something beautiful to remind us of a promise. I'm also thankful for my sweet nieces who are in this picture. AND...I'm thankful for my sister, Hannah, who took this picture. Oh how thankful I am for this precious girl who will be 18 in less than a week! This has always been one of my very favorite pictures of May May....look at those cute piggy toes! I also love the band-aid and painted nails (you may not be able to see the painted nails in this picture but I have a framed 8x10 of this right above me so I can see the small details). :) And, I am SO thankful for this little sunshine!!! God blessed my socks off when He put Rosie Love in my life. God moved us back to LR just in time to be a big part of this little one's life. I call her my brigh...

This weekend in pictures

First things first...have any of you ever tried this chocolate bar??? Oh my gosh, it's the best thing you will ever eat!!! They have them at Target. Whenever I am there, I load up! The only thing is that if you eat the whole thing there are 39 grams of fat, 63 carbs, and 600 calories...yep, I told ya it was good!!! Marci came to visit from Nebraska!!!! She was dying to see mom so she flew down for the weekend! It was great! Here we are at Shag' cousin, Emily, cut Marci's hair. Macy used my old Fake Bake and turned blue/green...she looks brown in this picture but trust me when I tell ya, she was blue!!! :) Fortunately, she raced to the bathroom and scrubbed it off before it set! Marci loves to cook! Shanny and I don't so much but Marci loves it. She decided to make us this yummy chicken filo wrap (I cannot remember the real name) on Saturday. She said it would be ready around noon. Well, since Marci has ADD and is easily distracted, we ended up eating at 10:30 pm!!...